
Due to COVID-19, study abroad opportunities have been suspended until further notice.


课程可以短至一周,也可以长至一学年, 科目可以从生物学到市场营销再到文学. 除了出国留学项目, 学生可以调查实习情况, 志愿者, 以及在国外工作的机会.



Mount Mercy’s exchange partnerships allow undergraduates to spend a semester or summer abroad for virtually the same cost as staying on campus. 的 benefits of studying abroad through a Mount Mercy partnership institution include a lower cost and the ability to apply your scholarships to your study abroad experience. Additionally, some classes are pre-approved and the transcript evaluation is pre-arranged.

从2011年开始, Mount Mercy在坎特伯雷提供了一个出国留学项目, 一座历史悠久的小城,拥有举世闻名的大教堂.  的 semester program offers students the choice of two core courses in British society, 文学, 或历史, 还有另外两门不同学科的课程, 比如英语, 刑事司法, 历史, 和业务. 的 program includes several field trips to places like London, Stonehenge, and Dover. Major European capitals like London, Paris, and Brussels are only a short train ride from 坎特伯雷.

Mount Mercy’s newest partnership with Carlow College provides students with a comfortable small-town experience just a short bus ride from the capital city of Dublin. Students on the Carlow semester program can choose from courses that meet major or core requirements, including an Irish experience course that extends learning through field trips to castles, 教堂, 甚至还有播放传统音乐的酒吧. 

Since the partnership agreement with Palacky University was signed in 1989, 数十名Mount Mercy的学生在Palacky学习过, experiencing student life in the ancient city of Olomouc and traveling throughout the Czech Republic and Europe. No knowledge of Czech is necessary since courses for study abroad students are taught in English, 特别是中欧研究项目, 包括经济学课程, 环境研究, 电影, 政治科学, 和社会学. Mount Mercy offers a semester exchange and a summer exchange program in the Czech Republic. 

斯特灵, 位于苏格兰中部迷人的乡村, has a four-week summer program offering comparative courses in nursing, 刑事司法, 业务, 体育管理, 和英语. Each course includes at least one field trip, and day trips to places like St. 安德鲁斯大学和爱丁堡大学也有. 通过仁慈山和斯特林的协议, 学生在暑期课程中可以享受很大的折扣. 斯特林还提供学期课程, 有各种各样的课程,以吸引学生在许多专业.

英国文学与文化 allows you to gain first-hand knowledge of the 文学 you study by taking a 7-10 day trip to London, 牛津大学, 坎特伯雷, 和浴. Not only can you see the places that inspired the greatetest masterpieces of British 文学, but you can also tour some of the most important historic sites of british 历史 and culture.

有额外的通道进入城堡, 演奏厅, 甚至是足球场, 这门课对每个人都有一点好处!


爱尔兰文学与文化 allows you to gain a better understanding and appreciation of Irish and Northern Irish 文学, 通过7-10天的都柏林之旅了解爱尔兰的历史和文化, 贝尔法斯特, 和德里.

In addition to viewing the birthplaces of 爱尔兰's most famous writers and the sites that inspired their greatest works, you will get to tour landmark sites of 爱尔兰's rich 历史 and experience many of the essential pillars of modern Irish and Northern Irish culture.

在这个过程中, 你会发现一个超越典型旅游旅行的爱尔兰, 一个有着丰富历史和许多重要故事的爱尔兰. 所以,无论你是爱尔兰文化的爱好者, 历史爱好者, or simply an aspiring world traveler who wants to tour a beautiful country, 爱尔兰文学和文化之旅是你不想错过的.



Mount Mercy大学 has study abroad opportunities for graduate students! 这门三学期的课程通常在一月份开设. This course is designed to give MBA and MSL students a hands-on global experience as they consult with small 业务es in the Central American country of 伯利兹. 请查看 目录 查阅有关BA 640的完整资料.


Study abroad can provide both conventional benefits such as increased global awareness and personal growth, as well as less obvious advantages like increased professional opportunities and connections.

是的,出国留学有很多奖学金. 其中包括享有盛誉的国家奖学金, 比如富布赖特基金, 小, 制定奖学金. 

一般来说,你提前计划得越多越好. 然而, students sometimes make the decision as late as their junior year.

通过一些事先的计划和深思熟虑的课程选择, it's normally possible to study abroad and still graduate in four years. 在某些情况下, classes taken abroad may count toward major requirements and the multi-cultural general education requirement.

应用 for your passport as soon as you start seriously thinking about studying abroad. 可能需要几个星期才能收到你的护照. 如果你超过18岁, the passport will be valid for 10 years—enough time to get plenty of use out of it.

这要看你要去哪里, 你要在那里待多久, 3)你将做什么(实习), 志愿服务, 除了学习之外还要工作. 的 Office of International Programs and/or the program sponsor can help you find information for visas on your particular program.

In general, if a course is directly related to your major, you can petition to have credits transfer. 你需要收集有关课程的信息, 最好是大纲, to complete the form and show what information is covered and the level of instruction. 请愿书不会自动获得批准, 但是如果你选择了一个有信誉的项目, 收集实质性信息, 和你的导师兼系主任商量一下, 转会成功的机会很大.

No, 英语国家有很多节目, 比如英国, 爱尔兰, 澳大利亚, 伯利兹, 南非, 等. 很多项目, 比如帕拉基大学的中欧研究项目, 是面向国际学生并用英语授课的吗. 在某些情况下, 你的同学将是美国人, or they may be other international students from all over the world.

这取决于你要去哪里(城市vs. 农村地区,发达vs. 发展中国家), 你将要做什么(在偏远地区徒步旅行!, 与儿童或动物一起工作), 以及你现有的健康状况. 的 U.S. 疾病控制中心网站 有推荐接种疫苗的信息吗, and you may also want to consult with your doctor if you have additional questions.

In general, it's very difficult for students to work while studying abroad. 在一些国家,学生可能根本不工作. A few countries, such as 澳大利亚, allow very limited opportunities to combine work with studying. Students should not assume that they can make a significant contribution to their study abroad expenses by working abroad.

然而, there are a few agencies that can help students find work abroad in jobs, 比如互惠生, 营地辅导员, 英语教师, 临时工, 或者餐厅员工. 的se programs generally do not offer college credit and most jobs are not professional, but students or recent graduates may be able to cover their living costs overseas. 任何职业介绍所, especially one offering a job “too good to be true” should be investigated carefully.